Wednesday 25 March 2015

Audience Case Studies and Theories

Pick and Mix

This theory suggests that as consumers we actively pick and mix our media choices. These choices allow us to form our own personal identities, for example reading a magazine to confirm whether our choices of clothing are okay.
A pick and mix reader suggests that texts do not just influence us, we make a conscious decision towards them. It means that gender specific statements are not harmful as the audience chooses to identify with these ideas and are valued by the producers more because of this. 


Values, attitudes and lifestyles. Depending on personality, we costume media that relates to our grouping and hierarchy, for example an innovator who earns lots of money and values image would be likely to purchase expensive clothing and watches. This applies to both marketing and media.

Paper Towns trailer

Target audience: 15-25 year old girls between C1 and E, fans of John Green and The Fault In Our Stars and fans of Cara Delevigne.
Appeal/attract: Cara Delevigne is featured, who is iconic for girls and sexualised for boys. It is also a well know book by a famous author who wrote The Fault In Our Stars, which suggests those who enjoyed the film and John Green's books would be attracted. The romance and narrative of tehe story may also appeal to the audience.
Position: Told from Q's point of view, use of non diegetic sound with Q's voice over. We are positioned using camera angles that are point of view shots where Margo look directly at the camera so that we see her from Quentin's point of view.
Response: The preferred audience (target) would be entertained (i.e. the fact that it would be relaxing) They may also find persona identification, through the fact that the characters are teenagers experiencing young love. They could also be viewing for social integration as the film is an adaptation of a book by a popular writer and also the fact that the film ism are b the same people that produced The Fault In Our Stars
. The negotiated audience may be males within the same age group who would find Cara Delevigne attractive. Finally the oppositional audience would be older men who are in a higher socio-economic grouping as they would not be able to relate to the characters or situation.

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